Sunday, November 21, 2010

Dance of the Dead (Ghost House)

I have wanted to watch this movie for quite a while. It is about a small town during the day and night of the senior prom. Everyone is excited until Nuclear waste from a nearby power plant cause the rotting corpses of the dead to rise and devour the living. And because of prom it is up to the geeks, losers, outcasts, and slackers to save the town. The movie did mock the zombies on occasion showing them literally getting slingshotted out of the ground into a full on sprint which is actually pretty entertaining. The story was a little jumpy but not bad. And entertainment was right around the corner at every moment. and i believe the cast was perfect. It is worth watching and for the right price i would deffinetly buy it. ill give it 7 out of 10.

I would also like to remind everyone that if you have a suggetstion for a movie you would like reviewed please let me know.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


I couldn't believe how great the show was. I read the comic book and they kept so true to it it was amazing. I have been waiting for Robert Kirkman's( writer of walking dead) vision to come to life like this. the first episode was amazing. And for those of you who aren't familiar with the story , it follows officer Rick Grimes who after waking from a coma discovers that the dead have begun to walk and commits himself to the task of finding his wife and child. It is an epic story line that will grip you from the inside out. i absolutely love the walking dead.. And if you don't know it is on AMC at nine o clock Sunday evenings. and if you have a comic store near you PICK IT UP... You won't regret it. Walking Dead and Robert Kirkman get a 10 out of 10. I LOVE THE WALKING DEAD!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Survival Of The Dead

Survival Of The Dead was a pretty good Zombie movie compared to most. However I did feel that it lacked a bit from the Original George A. Romero films. I didn't like that the story line wasn't directly related to zombies. It was more about two feuding houses who never agreed on anything and whether or not to kill the dead was just another issue to throw in the mix. But i did however enjoy that like the other Romero films, it did continue from the previous movie (Diary Of The Dead). with the group of soldiers that held up the Winnebago. But the movie did have some cool shootouts , fun twists, and even a little morality check so ill give it a 7 out of ten. But if you are like me you will see it regardless of what i say because..well... come on it's George A. Romero!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Zombies of Mass Destruction

What can i say about Zombies of Mass Destruction? It was Crazy, insane, gory, and down right hilarious. The story follows the crazy life of a girl with middle eastern heritage who is always treated as if she was a foreigner. As well as two gay men whos quest is to come out to the others mom. What could possibly be more awkward than that... ZOMBIES!!! the movie finds the best ways to incorporate zombies into every situation in perfect harmony. The comedy is witty, the gore is disgusting, and the whole thing is an absolute riot! I give it 9 out of 10. GO ZMD!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

This was a great zombie film.Automaton Transfusion is high octane, straight to the point and all around fun to watch. The gore is fantastic and the deaths are sickening and brutal everything you want in a zombie related death scene. This movie features the diseased zombie. which i prefer to call the infected. These zombies are fast aggressive and ferocious. But in case your thinking that the movies is just gore and zombies your wrong, because there are plenty of scenes in which survivors go hulk on hoards of infected. 8 out of ten and definitely a must see!

Friday, September 24, 2010

My first review: The Video Dead

This movie was for my taste absolutely terrible. Nothing about it seemed to have rhyme or reason. First of all the story is about a random old TV that when viewed by anyone shows only one zombie movie. and when left alone for enough time the television basically just spits out zombies. Which makes no sense what so ever. The zombies do not eat people... they just kill them because they hate that humanity isn't as ugly as they are. And worst of all is that they are afraid of their reflections and can only be killed by tricking them into thinking they are dead or by trapping them in a place where there is no escape which will make them go crazy and eat themselves i give it a 2 out of ten simply because the zombies did look good and i had so much fun laughing at the fact that they intended it to actually scare you
Chart shows which of 19 film zombies you're likeliest to survive
First of all this chart will help you familiarize yourself with the different variations of zombies that have beenportrade in popular zombie movies over the years

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Hey Everyone I will be blogging on any and all things zombie and i will take suggestions if you have any games or movies you would like me to watch and review ill will put up some posts soon